The Evolution of Bikes

Back in 1986, when we opened our first beachclub, the bikes we were using were very different from the ones we jump on every day. Cyclists were enjoying their newly added cogs on rear gears in the 80s.

From our first day, 40 years ago, to now, we’ve been passionate about offering brilliant, accessible cycling holidays. Here, we look at just how far the kit we use every day has come. We’ve gone back a little older than we are, just to highlight cycling’s amazing progression!

Evolution of Bike

We caught up with one of our main bike suppliers, TREK, about the evolution of cycling, and how it’s improving the industry for athletes and commuters alike.

Will Taylor, of TREK Bicycles offers his thoughts:

“The development of the cycling trade has been incredible. It comes on leaps and bounds each year, pushed by factors such as how and where bikes are ridden, and the sheer number of people now wanting to ride for fitness, commuting, and recreation. Bikes are constantly being made lighter, with more advanced materials being used - especially the development of carbon fibre.”

“With such a fast growing, competitive industry, you find every product needs to be made exactly to spec. Any drawbacks or faults will result in a loss. This is a good thing as you find the quality of the bikes and accessories have never been higher, resulting in many great products available, no matter your skill level.”

“If you look at a mountain bike 10 years ago and compare it to a current model, the changes to the aesthetics and how it performs are astounding. With so much research and development going into the bikes each year, specifically the parts on the bike - alongside the geometry - means the bikes are more capable than ever before.”

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