Our strength and conditioning classes are designed to be efficient and effective, using a combination of resistance training, cardio, and flexibility work to improve your strength, power, endurance and overall fitness levels. Are you ready to squat, lunge, crunch and lift? All classes are included, so no excuses!

You can also exercise independently in our air-conditioned fitness studios, schedule a session with an experienced personal trainer, or join one of our running groups.

Our certified instructors possess professional credentials, with at least a level 2 fitness instructor certification. They are extremely friendly and are always available to assist you with any questions, so feel free to ask!

Good things come to those who sweat, so join us for a workout at Neilson Beach Clubs in Greece, Croatia and Sardinia.

The lowdown

  • LBT - legs, bums and tums
  • Ab's & Core
  • Les Mills BODYPUMP™️
  • AquaFit
  • Resistance training
  • All classes are included